Kamis, 23 April 2015

[LAB 3] Remote Access MikroTik

    • Learning Objectives
      • To know how to change the MikroTik RouterBoard IP using GUI (Graphical User Interface) and CLI (Command Line Interface) at Winbox.
      • To know how to use a remote Telnet with CMD on the client.
      • To know how remotely via SSH using Putty program.
      • To know how to use Hyperterminal program.

    • Basic Concepts
      • Winbox is a utility that is used to perform remote to our MikroTik server in GUI mode. If to configure MikroTik in text mode via the PC itself, then for GUI mode using Winbox we config the MikroTik via the client computer.
      • Configuring MikroTik via Winbox more widely used, because in addition to its use easy we also do not have to memorize command console. To get Winbox you can download or can also get in your MikroTik.

    • Configuration 
      • Step 1, plug the power cord into the MikroTik RouterBoard, and then utp cable connect it to the laptop. After all is ready, go to Winbox with using MAC Address is behind RouterBoard. Upon entry into Winbox, look for the "New Terminal", and then the type command : #reset system-configuration.
      • Step 2, after it will be out of Winbox and try to log in again with the MAC Address and after the entry would look MikroTik RouterBoard default IP (
      • Step 3, after that, try to PING the default IP of MikroTik RouterBoard. If you get a reply like, you have done using the Default IP.
      • Step 4, after receiving a reply, open your browser and typing default IP MikroTik RouterBoard.
      • Step 5, it is time to replace the IP : enter the IP menu -> select addresses -> and will appear the "Address List". Click 2 times to change the IP.
      • Step 6, change the IP as you like. Here i use the IP
      • Step 7, after the change of Physical IP, and default gateway using the IP Address in Winbox that we change.
      • Step 8, use the CMD of the client to ping into MikroTik.

      • Step 9, if you already PING finished, then the next steps is to into Winbox and type command : ip address print.
      • Step 10, if it is open your browser and type in the new ip address.
      • Step 11, go to Winbox, now we will change the IP pass through the terminal with the command : ip address edit 0 (0 is the number below the fence), and "value-name:address" (the address is where the location our current IP).
      • Step 12, then change the ip pleased you, here i use the IP
      • Step 13, in the client also change ip.
      • Step 14, try to do a remote MikroTik using telnet with CMD on the client. Typing the command : telnet (IP MikroTik).
      • Step 15, and will appear as follows. Then enter the username : admin, password : just press enter.
      • Step 16, and it has entered into MikroTik via CMD
      • Step 17, now we move on to the program Putty, Putty is using port 22, and Hostname : input the yout IP Address. If it clicks "open"
      • Step 18, if the following warning appears, click "yes"
      • Step 19, then there will be reading "login as :" fill in the "admin", and enter.
      • Step 20, then will appear the words, which mean it's made it into the MikroTik.
      • Step 21, after finishing with telnet and program Putty. Now we are going to use Hyperterminal. Fill in the "Name", and click "OK".
      • Step 22, after click "OK", there will be : Host address : fill with MikroTik IP Address, Port number : by default 23, and the Connet Using : TCP/IP (Winsock)
      • Step 23, then you will see the following box. Enter : Login : admin, password : just press enter
      • Step 24, then you will see the following article, which means that we managed to get in. 

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